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Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 666, Issue 1,
Pages 1-193 (7 April 1995)

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Determination of plasma non-esterified fatty acids and triglyceride fatty acids by gas chromatography of their methyl esters after isolation by column chromatography on silica gel, Pages 1-12
Stephen T. Ingalls, Xu Yang and Charles L. Hoppel
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (775 K)

Detection of selenium-containing biological constituents by high-performance liquid chromatography-plasma source mass spectrometry, Pages 13-19
Kazuo T. Suzuki, Makiko Itoh and Masayoshi Ohmichi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (424 K)

Influence of salts on protein interactions at interfaces of amphiphilic polymers and adsorbents, Pages 21-31
Sven Oscarsson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (490 K)

Purine enzyme activities in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: comparison of a new non-radiochemical high-performance liquid chromatography procedure and a radiochemical thin-layer chromatography procedure, Pages 33-43
J. N. Stolk, R. A. De Abreu, A. M. Th. Boerbooms, D. G. M. de Koning, R. de Graaf, P. J. S. M. Kerstens and L. B. A. van de Putte
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (564 K)

2-(4-N-Maleimidophenyl)-6-methoxybenzofuran: a superior derivatizing agent for fluorimetric determination of aliphatic thiols by high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 45-53
Abdullah I. Haj-Yehia and Leslie Z. Benet
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (513 K)

Simultaneous determination of all-trans and 13-cis retinoic acids and their 4-oxo metabolites by adsorption liquid chromatography after solid-phase extraction, Pages 55-61
P. Lefebvre, A. Agadir, M. Cornic, B. Gourmel, B. Hue, C. Dreux, L. Degos and C. Chomienne
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (274 K)

Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric identification and quantitation of ethylene glycol in serum after derivatization with perfluorooctanoyl chloride: a novel derivative, Pages 63-70
Amitava Dasgupta, Walter Blackwell, Janet Griego and Sohail Malik
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (427 K)

Determination of urinary trans,trans-muconic acid by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Pages 71-76
Thomas Ruppert, Gerhard Scherer, Anthony R. Tricker, Dankwart Rauscher and Franz Adlkofer
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (320 K)

Determination of ergosterol in organic dust by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Pages 77-84
Bengt-Olof Axelsson, Anita Saraf and Lennart Larsson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (400 K)

Determination of ochratoxin A at the ppt level in human blood, serum, milk and some foodstuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography with enhanced fluorescence detection and immunoaffinity column cleanup: methodology and Swiss data, Pages 85-99
Bernhard Zimmerli and Rudolf Dick
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (875 K)

Evaluation of high-performance liquid chromatography for the separation and determination of arsenic species by on-line high-performance liquid chromatographic-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry, Pages 101-109
I. Martín, M. A. López-Gonzálvez, M. Gómez, C. Cámara and M. A. Palacios
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (409 K)

Highly sensitive and specific gas chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of trace amounts of antipyrine metabolites in biological material, Pages 111-116
Georg Engel, Ute Hofmann and Michel Eichelbaum
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (328 K)

Development and comparison of high-performance liquid chromatographic methods with tandem mass spectrometric and ultraviolet absorbance detection for the determination of cyclobenzaprine in human plasma and urine, Pages 117-126
M. Constanzer, C. Chavez and B. Matuszewski
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (489 K)

Determination of the total concentration of highly protein-bound drugs in plasma by on-line dialysis and column liquid chromatography: application to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Pages 127-137
R. Herráez-Hernández, N. C. van de Merbel and U. A. Th. Brinkman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (615 K)

Separation and identification of phase I and phase II [14C]antipyrine metabolites in rat and dog urine, Pages 139-147
I. Velic, M. Metzler, H. G. Hege and J. Weymann
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (379 K)

Determination of quercetin in human plasma using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 149-155
Liu Bo, David Anderson, David R. Ferry, Len W. Seymour, Philippa G. de Takats and David J. Kerr
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (377 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic assay for genistein in biological fluids, Pages 157-167
J. G. Supko and L. R. Phillips
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (722 K)

Determination of the polar drug dimiracetam in human plasma and serum by column-switching high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 169-177
Luisa Torchio, Fiorella Lombardi, Marco Visconti and Edward Doyle
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (416 K)

Approach to the large-scale preparation of highly pure phosphatidylserine from bovine brain, Pages 178-182
Chen Su and Magda Claeys
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (301 K)

Packed-column supercritical fluid chromatography of artemisinin (qinghaosu) with electron-capture detection, Pages 183-187
Dwight L. Mount, G. Daniel Todd and V. Navaratnam
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (286 K)

Calculation of the molecular masses of two newly synthesized thermostable enzymes isolated from thermophilic microorganisms, Pages 188-193
M. H. Gey and K. K. Unger
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (286 K)


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